Intelligence Discrimination

Justin Wells

Publication: The Times Date:10/25/2015
Cartoonist: John Cole U.S.
Title: Brain(Less) Surgeon

Cartoon #1

Tone of the cartoon:

1) Negative framing of the issue

2) Framing is opposed to supporters

3) framing is supportive of opponents

What Action is taken place in this cartoon?

Ben Carson is depicted as an air head because of all the comments he makes that seem to show him as unintelligent. As shown, “I’d always assumed that being a brain surgeon required actually having one.” Then he shows Ben with his head open a fly coming out which is a type of metaphor for him having no brain. Without having a brain, we see that Carson is making some wild statements, “Obamacare is slavery.” “America is like Nazi Germany.” These are some risky statements but let’s see what they actually mean and if he said them. (Cole, 2015).

Analysis and Context:

First let’s start with the Analogy that Cole uses. We all know that flies come from maggots and maggots form on dead things. (Agadoni). Then the author here is comparing the things that Carson has said to someone who has no brain. Once again we know that if you have no brain you can’t function. We know he is not brain Dead but the symbolism the other user does get the point across that Ben Carson is brain dead because no one with a brain would say these things.

As for the comments he made this is the first one, “I think the likelihood of Hitler being able to accomplish his goals would have been greatly diminished if the people had been armed … I’m telling you that there is a reason that these dictatorial people take the guns first.” (Phipps, 2015) As we can see this statement is taken out of context, he does state that if they had guns it would be different though.

“Going to prison makes you gay…” He stated “Because a lot of people who go into prison go into prison straight — and when they come out, they’re gay.” (Berenson, 2015). He may have not said it word for word he did say something like that, but later he came out and apologized.

“Obamacare is slavery.” He actually said this “You know Obamacare is really I think the worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery.” (Sullivan, 2013). The reason behind this statement is that he doesn’t think it was about health care but more about control.

“A Muslim shouldn’t be President.” he actually said " he would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation."(Bradner, 2015). Ben Carson does not believe that a Muslim could put the counties well-being in front of their religious belief which would mean they are not fit to be the president.

“America is like Nazi Germany.” “I mean [we are] very much like Nazi Germany.” (Chumley, 2014). He did in fact state this but he also had a reason behind it as with all his other statements. The reason for this statement is he believes that the government is intimidating people and people are not speaking up because of fear.

Although he did in one way or another make these statements we can see how the author exaggerated a little and made Carson look like an unintelligent person for say these things.

Justin Wells

Publication: Claytoonz Date:10/6/2015
Cartoonist: Clay Jones U.S.
Title: “More Logic from Dr. Carson”

Cartoon #2 

Tone of the cartoon:

1) Negative framing of the issue

2) framing is opposed to supporters

3) framing is opposed to opponents

What Action is taking place in this cartoon? 

Ben Carson is being interviewed by a news reporter and is credited for making an unintelligent comment again. “The holocaust never would have happened if Jews could shoot laser beams out of their eyes…” After he makes this statement we see those standing off to the side make the comment, “Who’s gonna rush him before he speaks again?” (Jones, 2015). We are left to assume that this is what Ben Carson said and that the people present want him off the Air. 

Analysis and Context: 

What we don’t know is the background of what the people in the audience are saying. Prior to this statement Carson while was being interviewed about his Anti-Gun control stance right after the Oregon shooting. He said “Not only would I probably not cooperate with him, I would not just stand there and let him shoot me,” he said. “I would say, ‘Hey guys, everybody attack him. He may shoot me, but he can’t get us all.’” (Husband, 2015). Now we see why the audience said that, the fact that we should get him of the air before he can make another stupid comment about gun control or just stupid comment in general. We also see some exaggeration here as the author said “Laser Beams out of their eyes...” (Jones, 2015). this was not said by Ben Carson but it is a value laden word to get the audience’s attention… What he actually said was, “I think the likelihood of Hitler being able to accomplish his goals would have been greatly diminished if the people had been armed … I’m telling you that there is a reason that these dictatorial people take the guns first.” (Rhodan, 2015). As we can see this statement is taken out of context, he does state that if they had guns it would be different though. We can see a little bit of an underlying message here about his anti-gun-control stance and that the cartoonist took his statement and changed it to grab people’s attention. In the end the author Jones wants us to think when we see Carson making one of his unintelligent comments to rush the stage so that he can’t keep making them on the Air. It also led us to believe that he may not be that smart after all if he is making statements like this on T.V. Jones also wants us to consider do we really want someone who says these things to be running our country?

Justin Wells

Publication: Tribune Content Agency Date:11/12/2015
Cartoonist: Dan Wasserman U.S.
Title: "Ben Carson Explains the Minimum wage"

Cartoon #3

Tone of the cartoon:

1) negative framing of the issue

2) framing is opposed to supporters

3) framing is supportive

What Action is taking place in this cartoon?

In this cartoon we see the Author depicting Carson as he tries to explain why we should not raise minimum wage in our country. “We shouldn’t raise the minimum wage.” “We should help people get on the ladder of opportunity!” “That’s why we need to keep the bottom rung really low.” (Wasserman, 2015). Here we see the author is depicting Carson as an idiot in a sense, he tells us let’s not raise the wage but let’s help everyone get on a ladder to succeed except it needs to be really low so it will work.

Analysis and context:

This is an example of Value-laden words which we can pick out because the author underlined them. Ladder of Opportunity, now that sounds really good but we want higher minimum wage why do we care? With a ladder you start at the bottom and work up so if we have a ladder of opportunity then we have to start at the bottom and work up but no one wants to do that. In our society we want it all and we want it now. Carson sees this problem and relates his own experience but gets attacked for going against popular belief. Ben Carson stated that “people need to be educated on minimum wage. Every time we change the wage the number of jobless people increases.” (Worstall, 2015). This is what has lead up to this cartoon is the fact that our society wants more money for less work those who don’t have any education want to be paid more while those who work hard get paid the same. In this cartoon it is depicted as a bad idea to keep the wage low like it is and we should raise it. What he also said is that we need to teach people how to ascend the ladder of opportunity and not just keep them dependent. He is being depicted as keeping things low but he said that from his experience he started in a low paying job and gained experience which lead him up the ladder of success and that is the way to go because it teaches you how to interact in the world and helps you see that you don’t always get what you want you have to work for it. We also see a little bit of labeling in the sense that the ladder is being labeled l as the ladder of opportunity. Although it doesn’t look like we will ever move of the bottom rung.

An interesting thing about the ladder is the symbolism it could represent. There are no rungs in between the bottom and the top but lots of space which shows that we either want things for nothing or most people will never see anything more than the bottom rung it is left up to your interpretation. It also depicts Carson as being dumb and not conforming to popular opinion, people want it raised and for this statement he is dumb in the eyes of some.

Justin Wells

Publication: Tulsa World Date:11/6/2015
Cartoonist: Bruce Plante U.S.
Title: "Dr. Ben Carson for President"

Cartoon #4 

Tone of the cartoon:

1) negative framing of the issue

2) framing is opposed to supporters

3) framing is supportive of opponents

What Action is taking place in this cartoon?

Here we see the author is taking things that Carson has said and then adding a little of his own. Carson in an interview told a story about how he was once held at gun point and told the gunman “I believe you want the guy behind the counter.” (Plante, 2015)Plante, the author then showed Carson as making three more statements which show in one way make him look less intelligent for telling these things over the air. He then ends with “So why wouldn’t you want me as the president of the united states?” (Plante, 2015).

Analysis and context:

This cartoon is an example of Value-laden words and stereotyping as well. Considering the wording that is used a lot of it is actually Carson’s own words with a few mixed in to change it up a little. When we hear the words Armed Robber, Attacked, almost stabbed, and President of the United States in the same editorial cartoon it leaves us to think. Did the President get attacked? Armed Robber has a lot of value to it in the fact that when we hear of it we think guns and people getting hurt. Next When someone said attacked we think that we should watch out or someone has gotten hurt. When someone almost stabbed someone that is nothing to take light. Then when all these are coupled with President of the united states we are left to wonder is this man really good to be electing? Was it smart of him to state these stories for the public to hear when it would make him look bad and dumb for sharing them? It also has stereotyping because Black Men are seen as dangerous, violent and criminally inclined just because we grow up in America it is almost built in at times. This stereotype not only fits with what is being shown in this editorial cartoon but also fits society as a hole with how we view someone when a story like this is told. After all that is said and done the author wants us to think twice before letting a man like this be our president. (Banks, 2014). He stated in sarcastic way “So why wouldn’t you want me as the President of the United States.

Looking at the statements made and the symbolism behind them we can see how he is stereotyping Carson. Carson was indeed held at gun point in his life and he in fact told the gun man “You want the guy behind the counter.” (Hensch, 2015). He Also stated that he attacked his mother with a hammer and as for the credibility of this statement I was unable to find evidence to lean either way on whether it happened or not. As for “I almost stabbed a friend to death,” this does ring true. According to his mother in 1997 Ben tried to stab his friend but was stopped in the act. (Allahpundit, 2015). With all this being said he is thought of as a Black man who doesn’t know what he is talking about. He also is seen as violent and less intelligent.


Agadoni, L. (N.D). How do Flies turn into Maggots. Retrieved from

Allahpundit. (2015, November 9). Ben Carson’s mother 1997: Yes, he really did try to stab a friend when he was a kid. Retrieved from

Banks, S. (2014, December 5). Police expectations damage black men’s realities. Retrieved from

Berenson, T. (2015, March 5). Ben Carson Apologizes for Saying Prison Makes People Gay. Retrieved from

Bradner, E. (2015, September 27). Ben Carson again explains concerns with a Muslim President. Retrieved from

Chumley, C. (2014, March 12). Ben Carson: America’s now “very much like Nazi Germany.’ Retrieved from

Cole, J. (2015, October 25). Brain(less) Surgeon. Retrieved from 

Hensch, M. (2015, October 8). Carson: I Faced a Gunman. Retrieved from

Husband, A. (2015, October 6). Ben Carson on Oregon Shooting: ‘I would not just stand there and let him shoot me.’ Retrieved from

Phipps, C. (2015, October, 9). Ben Carson claims Jewish people might have stopped Holocaust if they had guns. Retrieved from 

Plante, B. (2015, November 8). Dr. Ben Carson for President. Retrieved from

Sullivan, S. (2013, October 11). Ben Carson: Obamacare worst thing ‘since slavery.’ Retrieved from

Jones, C. (2015, October 10). More Logic from Dr. Carson. Retrieved from

Rhodan, M. (2015, October 8). Ben Carson says Holocaust would have been ’Greatly Diminished’ if Jews had guns. Retrieved from

Wasserman, D. (2015, November 12). Ben Carson explains minimum wage. Retrieved from

Worstall, T. (2015, November 12). Ben Carson Flip Flops on The Minimum wages, But Now Gets It Right. Retrieved from

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