Eric Proctor
Title: Fear of Refugees
Artist: Adam Zyglis U.S.
Publication: The Buffalo News
Date: 11/24/2015
Cartoon #1
Negative Framing of Issue
Framing is opposed to supporters of Trump
Framing is supportive of opponents
Framing is opposed to supporters of Trump
Framing is supportive of opponents
What is the Action Taking Place?
Here we see the Statue of Liberty, who has been personified, sitting opposite the desk of a man who clearly belongs to the republican party. We can make this assumption because of what appears to be a name tag on his desk that has a picture of the elephant which represents the republican party. We cannot see who the man on the other side of the desk is but we assume that it is Trump because he is pointing at the Statue of Liberty and appears to be “firing” her from some sort of job. The Statue of Liberty is holding her torch and a plaque with the words “give me your tired, give me your poor” inscribed. It appears the cartoonist would have us believe that Trump, or at least the republican party for endorsing him, is firing the Statue of Liberty and therefore what she symbolizes.
Here we see the Statue of Liberty, who has been personified, sitting opposite the desk of a man who clearly belongs to the republican party. We can make this assumption because of what appears to be a name tag on his desk that has a picture of the elephant which represents the republican party. We cannot see who the man on the other side of the desk is but we assume that it is Trump because he is pointing at the Statue of Liberty and appears to be “firing” her from some sort of job. The Statue of Liberty is holding her torch and a plaque with the words “give me your tired, give me your poor” inscribed. It appears the cartoonist would have us believe that Trump, or at least the republican party for endorsing him, is firing the Statue of Liberty and therefore what she symbolizes.
What is the Context and Analysis?
Trump’s recent comments about illegal immigration is what probably inspired this cartoon. One of Trump’s biggest campaigning point is his plans to “make America great again” by fixing its problems, mainly illegal immigration. In an interview done with CNN reporter Jake Tapper Trump said “You have people coming in… from all over that are killers and rapists and they’re coming into this country.” (Scott, 2015). His comments have seemed to be mostly directed towards Mexicans and Muslims specifically. “I like Mexico. I love the Mexican people. I do business with the Mexican people, but you have people coming through the border from all over. And they’re bad. They’re really bad.” said Trump (Scott, 2015). Some of Trump’s plans to deal with immigrations from Mexico is to build a wall along the Mexico/U.S. border claiming that he will get Mexico to pay for it. Next he says that he will create a nationwide system to verify workers’ legal status and keep track of those workers who overstay their visa. He claims that he will overturn a current U.S. law that grants citizenship to all children born in the United States, even if their parents are undocumented immigrants. He believes that all should be deported saying, “We have to keep the families together, but they have to go,” (Diamond, Murray, 2015). Trump has also stated that we must ban all immigration of Muslims into the United States because they present to great a threat to national security, “Until we are able to determine and understand this problem and the dangerous threat it poses, our country cannot be the victims of horrendous attacks by people that believe only in Jihad, and have no sense of reason or respect for human life,” (Pilkington, 2015).
This cartoon has a lot of symbolism and labeling. We can find labeling on the nametag with the republican elephant on the desk letting us know that whoever the Statue of Liberty is talking to is republican. The plate the statue is holding is also an example of labeling because the cartoonist has engraved it with the words “Give me your tired, your poor…” emphasizing the symbolism he wants in the minds of the viewers. The Statue of Liberty symbolizes just that, liberty and freedom. “The Statue of Liberty faces outward the nations, holding aloft the torch of freedom, the flame of hope, the promise of the future. She holds this torch high in the daytime and during the night as well. She shines her light in the midst of darkness.” (, n.d.). The Statue of Liberty beckons to all those seeking to find shelter from oppression. With Trump claiming that he will build a wall to keep out Mexicans and ban all Muslims from entering the country the cartoonist is stating that he is essentially “firing” the Statue of Liberty and what America stands for. The way the man’s hand his shaped and the manner in which he is firing the statue also alludes to him being Trump. In a TV series called The Apprentice which began in 2004, 16 candidates would compete for a job in the Trump Organization and a salary of $250,000 a year (, n.d.). After each task Trump would analyze each candidate’s performance and at least one would be “fired”. Whenever Trump would fire someone he did it in the exact manner portrayed in this cartoon.
Eric Proctor
Title: The Apprentice
Artist: Nate Beeler
Publication: The Columbus Dispatch
Date: 11/20/2015
Cartoon #2
Tone of Cartoon:
Negative Framing of Issue
Framing is opposed to supporters
Framing is supportive of opponents
Framing is opposed to supporters
Framing is supportive of opponents
What is the Action Taking Place?
In this cartoon Trump is seen interacting with Hitler in what appears to be a job interview. The two are well dressed and seated around a table, Hitler being the interviewer and Trump the interviewee. Trump is exclaiming that he will “close down mosques!” and “make the Muslims carry special IDs!” while holding up his hand in salute to Hitler. Hitler is apparently pleased with Trump’s dedication and says, “You’re hired!”. The reality the cartoonist is framing is that Trump’s policies would please a supremacist like Hitler.
Analysis and Context:
Trump has been recently accused of being a racist and a supremacist due to his immigrations policies to keep out Muslims and Mexicans. Many have even compared him to Hitler. Hitler is the most infamous dictator that has ever lived. He began WWII and is known for his great discrimination and extreme tactics. He believed that there was a “perfect race” called “Aryan Supremacy”. He believed that in order to protect and perfect this race he needed to destroy or control everything that could possibly threaten it. His beliefs lead to the death of more than 6 million people in what came to be known as the holocaust (, n.d.). The fact that Trump is being compared to such a man says a lot about what those who oppose him think about his immigration policies. This particular cartoon is completely symbolic of these accusations. Here we see Trump explaining his ideas to Hitler who is apparently impressed. By showing Hitler being pleased with Trump’s ideas the cartoonist is conveying that they are one of a kind. Because Hitler is known to be a racist bigot Donald Trump must therefore be the same. There is also some irony with the symbol of the swastika. For thousands of years the Swastika was used by many cultures to symbolize life and good fortune. It wasn’t until Hitler made this his national symbol that it became known for terror and death (Rosenberg, 2015). Any kind of association with this symbol now can be seen as intolerance. The cartoonist most likely chose to incorporate this symbol with Trump and pose him as though he were applying for a job with Hitler to illustrate his viewpoint that Trump is indeed a racist and hateful man. The salute that Trump is gesturing toward Hitler is also symbolic of him pledging his loyalty to Hitler’s cause. This salute was also used by the romans to show respect to Caesar and later adopted by Hitler (Allert, n.d.). The reality of this cartoon is to show that Trump is headed on this same path. Labeling is also found in this cartoon as the entire cartoon has been labeled “Celebrity Apprentice”. Back in 2004 Donald Trump launched a TV series on NBC called the apprentice where 16 potential candidates were given different challenging tasks to perform. The winner was given a prestigious job in the Trump enterprise. Trump would choose the winner by evaluating each candidate’s performance and firing those he did not deem up to the task (, n.d.). This is not only labeling but irony as it seems that Trump has been placed on his own and is being evaluated by Hitler who is taking his place. This could be seen as foreshadowing as to what Trump will become.
Analysis and Context:
Trump has been recently accused of being a racist and a supremacist due to his immigrations policies to keep out Muslims and Mexicans. Many have even compared him to Hitler. Hitler is the most infamous dictator that has ever lived. He began WWII and is known for his great discrimination and extreme tactics. He believed that there was a “perfect race” called “Aryan Supremacy”. He believed that in order to protect and perfect this race he needed to destroy or control everything that could possibly threaten it. His beliefs lead to the death of more than 6 million people in what came to be known as the holocaust (, n.d.). The fact that Trump is being compared to such a man says a lot about what those who oppose him think about his immigration policies. This particular cartoon is completely symbolic of these accusations. Here we see Trump explaining his ideas to Hitler who is apparently impressed. By showing Hitler being pleased with Trump’s ideas the cartoonist is conveying that they are one of a kind. Because Hitler is known to be a racist bigot Donald Trump must therefore be the same. There is also some irony with the symbol of the swastika. For thousands of years the Swastika was used by many cultures to symbolize life and good fortune. It wasn’t until Hitler made this his national symbol that it became known for terror and death (Rosenberg, 2015). Any kind of association with this symbol now can be seen as intolerance. The cartoonist most likely chose to incorporate this symbol with Trump and pose him as though he were applying for a job with Hitler to illustrate his viewpoint that Trump is indeed a racist and hateful man. The salute that Trump is gesturing toward Hitler is also symbolic of him pledging his loyalty to Hitler’s cause. This salute was also used by the romans to show respect to Caesar and later adopted by Hitler (Allert, n.d.). The reality of this cartoon is to show that Trump is headed on this same path. Labeling is also found in this cartoon as the entire cartoon has been labeled “Celebrity Apprentice”. Back in 2004 Donald Trump launched a TV series on NBC called the apprentice where 16 potential candidates were given different challenging tasks to perform. The winner was given a prestigious job in the Trump enterprise. Trump would choose the winner by evaluating each candidate’s performance and firing those he did not deem up to the task (, n.d.). This is not only labeling but irony as it seems that Trump has been placed on his own and is being evaluated by Hitler who is taking his place. This could be seen as foreshadowing as to what Trump will become.
Title: Man of the (Angry White) People
Artist: John Cole
Date: 3/1/2016
Cartoon #3
Tone of Cartoon:
Negative Framing of Issue
Framing is opposed to Supporters
Framing is supportive to opponents
Framing is opposed to Supporters
Framing is supportive to opponents
What is the Action Taking Place?
Trump is seen wearing a baseball cap with his slogan “Make America Great Again.” But make has been spelled “maKKKe” with three K’s and the Ku Klux Klan rallies behind him holding signs that support his campaign. The reality the cartoonist wishes to portray is that Trump’s policies uphold white supremacist bigotry.
Context and Analysis:
As Trump has continued his campaign several of his supporters have shown up to his rallies in the white robes and caps of the Ku Klux Klan pledging their support. They claim that Trump’s policies support their beliefs (Emery, 2016). The Ku Klux Klan was founded in 1866 during the reconstruction period after the civil war. They were known for their racism against the black culture and violence toward the black community. They justified their heinous crimes claiming that they were trying to reestablish white supremacy believed that it truly was the superior race. Over time their hatred was not only focused on African Americans but also immigrants, Catholics, Jews, and organized labor (, n.d.). The Ku Klux Klan has since been near a non-factor in American Society but we have seen them begin to raise their voices once again in support of Trump. The cartoonist portrays Trump as if he were the KKK leader here in this cartoon. The symbolism is seen in the crowd behind Trump, all in KKK uniforms and holding signs pledging their support. The symbolism here is mixed with labeling as their support is boldly written signs. The most prominent labeling is on Donald Trump’s hat as the artist has labeled it with the words “maKKKe America Great Again.” This is symbolic of Trump’s actual campaign slogan “Make America Great Again.” Trump has claimed that America has lost its power and that he can recapture its glory (Krieg, 2016). The cartoonist chose to play with his campaign slogan by adding in the extra k’s as if Trump were also declaring his support to the Ku Klux Klan. It also appears that the cartoonist has exaggerated Trump’s facial features to make him look more like a dictator.
Context and Analysis:
As Trump has continued his campaign several of his supporters have shown up to his rallies in the white robes and caps of the Ku Klux Klan pledging their support. They claim that Trump’s policies support their beliefs (Emery, 2016). The Ku Klux Klan was founded in 1866 during the reconstruction period after the civil war. They were known for their racism against the black culture and violence toward the black community. They justified their heinous crimes claiming that they were trying to reestablish white supremacy believed that it truly was the superior race. Over time their hatred was not only focused on African Americans but also immigrants, Catholics, Jews, and organized labor (, n.d.). The Ku Klux Klan has since been near a non-factor in American Society but we have seen them begin to raise their voices once again in support of Trump. The cartoonist portrays Trump as if he were the KKK leader here in this cartoon. The symbolism is seen in the crowd behind Trump, all in KKK uniforms and holding signs pledging their support. The symbolism here is mixed with labeling as their support is boldly written signs. The most prominent labeling is on Donald Trump’s hat as the artist has labeled it with the words “maKKKe America Great Again.” This is symbolic of Trump’s actual campaign slogan “Make America Great Again.” Trump has claimed that America has lost its power and that he can recapture its glory (Krieg, 2016). The cartoonist chose to play with his campaign slogan by adding in the extra k’s as if Trump were also declaring his support to the Ku Klux Klan. It also appears that the cartoonist has exaggerated Trump’s facial features to make him look more like a dictator.
Eric Proctor
Title: Trump Deportation Police Force
Artist: Daryl Cagle
Date: 11/13/2015
Cartoon #4
Tone of Cartoon:
Negative Framing of Issue
Framing is opposed to supporters
Framing is supportive to opponents
Framing is opposed to supporters
Framing is supportive to opponents
What is the Action Taking Place?
In this cartoon Trump is sending his immigration police force to deport the “illegals” stating that he “will be kind and humane just like President Eisenhower and those looney tunes from the 1950’s.” His immigration police force are three cats in police uniforms chasing a mouse who appears to be Hispanic due to his sombrero, dress, and is captioned speaking Spanish. The reality the cartoonist is most likely trying to frame is that Trump’s foreign policy will not be nearly as painless as he claims due to the sarcastic nature of the cartoon.
Context and Analysis:
This cartoon was inspired by Trump’s Ideas to control Mexican immigration. He has stated that he will build a wall around the Mexican border, deport all illegal immigrants, and reverse the current law that all children born in the United States are automatically US citizens regardless of whether their parents are undocumented immigrants (Diamond, Murray, 2015). He proposed that we create a great “deportation force” that would deport the 11 million undocumented immigrants (Richman, 2015). This cartoon depicts his police force and is symbolic in many ways. The way Trump explains his plan is as if there will be no complications. That it will be easy and beneficial for everyone. That appears to be the nature of this cartoon. He compares his immigration force to the looney tunes. Sure they’re chasing each other around and there could be violence, but everyone appears to be enjoying themselves. Using the Looney Tunes is symbolic and also creates irony because although when the cat chases the mouse in the Looney Tunes it appears to be humane what is actually happening is quite violent. Furthermore, the irony is that in all looney toon cartoons the cat seems to always be outsmarted by the mouse. The mouse in this cartoon, being depicted as the Mexican, would undoubtedly outsmart Trump and his immigration force. This cartoon also makes reference to President Eisenhower’s administration. President Eisenhower in his presidency enacted a policy called the “operation wetback” which successfully deported many of the illegal immigrants that had come across the Mexican border (Dillin, 2006).
Allert, T. (n.d.). Jewish Book Council. Retrieved March 31, 2016, from
Diamond, J., & Murray, S. (2015, August 17). Trump on immigration: 'They have to go' Retrieved March 31, 2016, from
Dillin, J. (2006). How Eisenhower solved illegal border crossings from Mexico. Retrieved March 31, 2016, from
Emery, D. (2016, February 23). Self-Proclaimed Trump Supporters Wear KKK Robes at Nevada Caucus. Retrieved March 31, 2016, from Staff. (2009). Adolf Hitler. Retrieved March 31, 2016, from Staff. (2009). Adolf Hitler. Retrieved March 31, 2016, from Staff. (2009). Ku Klux Klan. Retrieved March 31, 2016, from
Krieg, G. (2016, March 28). Donald Trump reveals when America was 'great' Retrieved March 31, 2016, from
Message of the State of Liberty. (n.d.). Retrieved March 31, 2016, from
Pilkington, E. (2015). Donald Trump: Ban all Muslims entering US. Retrieved March 31, 2016, from
Plot Summary. (n.d.). Retrieved March 31, 2016, from
Richman, S. (2015, November 27). Trump's immigration 'deportation force' and the police state -- Retrieved March 31, 2016, from
Rosenberg, J. (2015, July 14). What Is the History of the Swastika? Retrieved March 31, 2016, from
Scott, E. (2015, June 28). Trump talks immigration, marriage and ISIS. Retrieved March 31, 2016, from
Context and Analysis:
This cartoon was inspired by Trump’s Ideas to control Mexican immigration. He has stated that he will build a wall around the Mexican border, deport all illegal immigrants, and reverse the current law that all children born in the United States are automatically US citizens regardless of whether their parents are undocumented immigrants (Diamond, Murray, 2015). He proposed that we create a great “deportation force” that would deport the 11 million undocumented immigrants (Richman, 2015). This cartoon depicts his police force and is symbolic in many ways. The way Trump explains his plan is as if there will be no complications. That it will be easy and beneficial for everyone. That appears to be the nature of this cartoon. He compares his immigration force to the looney tunes. Sure they’re chasing each other around and there could be violence, but everyone appears to be enjoying themselves. Using the Looney Tunes is symbolic and also creates irony because although when the cat chases the mouse in the Looney Tunes it appears to be humane what is actually happening is quite violent. Furthermore, the irony is that in all looney toon cartoons the cat seems to always be outsmarted by the mouse. The mouse in this cartoon, being depicted as the Mexican, would undoubtedly outsmart Trump and his immigration force. This cartoon also makes reference to President Eisenhower’s administration. President Eisenhower in his presidency enacted a policy called the “operation wetback” which successfully deported many of the illegal immigrants that had come across the Mexican border (Dillin, 2006).
Allert, T. (n.d.). Jewish Book Council. Retrieved March 31, 2016, from
Diamond, J., & Murray, S. (2015, August 17). Trump on immigration: 'They have to go' Retrieved March 31, 2016, from
Dillin, J. (2006). How Eisenhower solved illegal border crossings from Mexico. Retrieved March 31, 2016, from
Emery, D. (2016, February 23). Self-Proclaimed Trump Supporters Wear KKK Robes at Nevada Caucus. Retrieved March 31, 2016, from Staff. (2009). Adolf Hitler. Retrieved March 31, 2016, from Staff. (2009). Adolf Hitler. Retrieved March 31, 2016, from Staff. (2009). Ku Klux Klan. Retrieved March 31, 2016, from
Krieg, G. (2016, March 28). Donald Trump reveals when America was 'great' Retrieved March 31, 2016, from
Message of the State of Liberty. (n.d.). Retrieved March 31, 2016, from
Pilkington, E. (2015). Donald Trump: Ban all Muslims entering US. Retrieved March 31, 2016, from
Plot Summary. (n.d.). Retrieved March 31, 2016, from
Richman, S. (2015, November 27). Trump's immigration 'deportation force' and the police state -- Retrieved March 31, 2016, from
Rosenberg, J. (2015, July 14). What Is the History of the Swastika? Retrieved March 31, 2016, from
Scott, E. (2015, June 28). Trump talks immigration, marriage and ISIS. Retrieved March 31, 2016, from
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